
AI is Coming To YouTube

May 18, 2023

Google’s rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology into its core products is extending to the realm of advertising. Internal documents reveal that the company has approved plans to utilize generative AI, powered by large language models (LLMs), for automating advertising and ad-supported consumer services.

These plans involve leveraging Google’s latest LLM, PaLM 2, which was unveiled last week and has the capability to generate human-like responses to queries and commands. Google intends to employ PaLM 2-powered tools to enable advertisers to create their own media assets and propose video ideas for YouTube creators.

Experimentation with PaLM 2 has also taken place within YouTube, specifically for youth content, including titles and descriptions. Additionally, the technology can been utilized to generate multiple video ideas based on relevant topics for content creators.

As the AI chatbot trend sweeps across the tech industry and garners attention from Wall Street, Google, along with Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon, is striving to embed its most advanced models into numerous products. This urgency intensified following the public release of Microsoft-backed OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which raised concerns about the future of internet search – Google’s largest revenue driver.

During the past few quarters, Google has experienced a prolonged period of subdued revenue growth, deviating from its previous trajectory of consistent and rapid expansion.

Fears of an impending recession have prompted advertisers to scale back their online marketing budgets, adversely affecting Google, Facebook, and other platforms. Specifically for Google, conversion rates for paid search advertising have declined across various industries this year.

Beyond search, email, and spreadsheets, Google aims to utilize generative AI offerings to increase spending, enhance revenue, and improve margins.

The company envisions an AI-powered customer support strategy that could span over 100 Google products, including Google Play Store, Gmail, Android Search, and Maps. Automated support chatbots would provide specific answers in a clear and concise manner, allowing for follow-up questions before suggesting an advertising plan tailored to the customer’s needs.

Moreover, Google is developing an internal product akin to Stable Diffusion for image generation. Inspired by OpenAI’s DALL-E, Stable Diffusion rapidly generates images in various styles based on textual input from users.

Google’s foray into incorporating its latest AI models into advertising aligns with the industry trend. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, recently introduced the AI Sandbox, a testing playground for advertisers to experiment with new generative AI-powered ad tools. Meta also announced updates to Meta Advantage, a portfolio of automated tools and products designed to enhance advertising campaigns.

At the upcoming Google Marketing Live event on May 23, the company will unveil new technologies for advertisers, with AI as a prominent theme. While specific details have not been disclosed, the event’s website emphasizes the ability of AI-powered ad solutions to amplify marketing expertise and drive tangible business outcomes in today’s evolving economy.

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